Featured Teapots
Woodworkers David Ellsworth, Robyn Horn, and Terry Evans created these remarkable teapots. Ellsworth turned a hollow sphere with minimal projections and holes to indicate function. Horn made this solid wood sculpture in her characteristic abstract style but with recognizable gestures. Evans produced mesmerizing patterns in his teapot by laminating and carving colored wood species. See more in the Wood Works collection.
Learn about the teapots in these writings that explore the collection. Discover the many artistic themes and ideas behind the works. Read about the makers, and see special teapots.READ MORE

Harlan Butt Enamel Teapots
Over the course of his fifty-year career, American artist Harlan W. Butt (b. 1950) has received international acclaim for his skillfully constructed vessels in metal

Chahakobi Ningyō (Tea Serving Doll)
During Japan’s Edo period (1603–1868), an interesting development occurred that conceivably “sparked” that country’s “love of robotics.”[i] One might wonder what could have such an

Chelsea Porcelain Teapot
“Several attempts have likewise been made here; few have made any progress, and the chief endeavors at Bow (porcelain factory) have been towards making a

Christina Smith
The American artist Christina Y. Smith (b. 1951) “[grew] up in a family where tea was important.”[i] She remembers receiving her first tea service at
Sonny and Gloria Kamm
Los Angeles residents Sonny and Gloria Kamm have collected teapots for over 35 years. Their interest in teapots began as an adjunct to their collection of contemporary art and led to a passion that has resulted in the world’s largest and most comprehensive teapot collection. The Kamm Teapot Foundation was established to preserve and maintain the teapot collection.READ MORE