This teapot is a satirical portrait of Lady Elizabeth Craven (British, 1750-1828) who was a socialite and sometime playwright. She was notorious for her love affairs. “On the subject’s blue ribbon sash is the gilded title ‘LADY CRAVEING’S Tea-Pot’, a pun on her name and presumably her appetite for love.” Read here about Lady Craven and how this teapot points to scandalous events in her life.
Ceramics 18th-19th C.England
Lady Craveing’s Teapot
attrib. Derby Porcelain Factory (England, c.1748-1848)
Lady Craveing’s Teapot c. 1779-83
6.5 x 7.75 x 4.5″
Kamm Collection 2009.39
Photo: David H. Ramsey